Tuesday 24 February 2015


            The argument between the differences of Rap and Hip-Hop have been going on for years because of the contrast in artists, sounds, the culture and also the way the music is produced. Also important are the messages that the artists are trying to portray in the music. Rap is more of a vocal delivery and hop-hop is a culture, anybody can rap but the culture of hip-hop is a movement that started years ago in the south Bronx. Hip-hop incorporates 5 elements: the D.J., the dancer, the graffiti artist, the M.C (the rapper) and the fifth element is the knowledge of it all. With that, everything connects. Hip hop culture is defined by the late 70s, early 80s beat-box style of music where the artist talked about more positive notions and also talked more politically in the songs. Hip-Hop is seen as a more knowledgeable form of music style in general. Rap on the other hand focuses more on what is going on in popular culture and talks about the prevalence of drug dealing, gangs and the areas they represent. These are not topics that all artists represent but if we are talking in terms of the early stages of rap music, in most cases this was usually the subject matter they touched on. Rap music is more about “telling it like it is” and talking about the current day's conditions. Rap also tends to have a more depressive outlook than Hip-Hop music.

           Hip-Hop is more technical in terms of the lyrical delivery of the artist. It has simpler instrumentals and is considered the foundation of today’s Rap music. The controversy around Rap music is very prevalent in this day and age because of the mass media blaming the artists for lyrical content containing notions of drug use, violence and gang activity. There is such a huge discrepancy surrounding Rap music and the types of things that these artists promote. The music is often blamed for increased crime rates, violence, gang activity and the influence it has on our younger generations. There are so many different artists and styles of music in the Rap and Hip-Hop scene that as time goes on we get to see a variety of rap and Hip-Hop styles begin to develop. The list of unique styles and musical artists is already so vast that I couldn’t begin to explain them all. It is amazing to see how far Rap and Hip-Hop has come since its humble beginning.

The lifestyle of a Rapper or Hip-Hop artist can be a very dangerous one; it all depends on the type of artists you are or choose to be. Most artists come from a lifestyle or background where drug dealing and gang violence is just part of their everyday lives. We call these artists gangster rappers. They are called that because of their lifestyle and the violent or otherwise vulgar lyrics depicted in their songs. Most gangster rappers talk about the lifestyle they live within their music because that is all they have ever seen, done or known. Not all artists actually live this way. Some just like to portray this type of image because it is seen to be “cool”, and because of the popularity of the style of music. There are also many artists who just love making music and don’t necessarily try to portray any type of image. Although it is common for artists to try and depict a certain type of image because of the popularity of that style. 

          Most people love listening to Rap and Hip-Hop because it provokes a certain feeling or emotion within a person. Usually because of the relation between the person listening and the artist’s lyrics in the music. Certain artist’s may also inspire people to start creating their own music. It is truly amazing to be able to create; anybody has the opportunity to do so. Rap and Hip-Hop gives people and outlet to express themselves creatively through music, which is the reason why we have so many amazing artists in the music industry today. Rap and Hip-Hop gives artists the chance to tell their stories and have the creative freedom to do so in any way they see possible.

         Rap and Hip-Hop has grown so much since its beginnings and continues to thrive throughout the modern day culture. As artists evolve so does the music. It’s very interesting to look back on the early days of Rap and Hip-Hop and to see just how much it has changed and developed over the years. Rap and Hip-Hop has defined many people’s lives. It has helped us get through all of our own personal problems that we all face on a day to day basis. The artists, the sounds, the culture, the way the music is produced and the messages that the artists are trying to portray have all come together to create the culture we know today as Rap and Hip-Hop. Music is truly amazing. It has the power to take us somewhere else. Just turn on a song or listen to an album and you are able to lose yourself in the music and escape from reality, even if just for a short while. Rap and Hip-Hop will continue to change and develop and so will we as new generations begin to expand, so will new styles and genres. I believe Rap and Hip-Hop has the power to change the world and I believe it has, and will continue to throughout history. 

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